Mid-Face Restoration Masterclass

Course Overview


About Mid-face Restoration Masterclass

Mid-face Restoration is the Aesthetics Lounge Academy signature technique in treating the mid-facial area for a variety of concerns giving immediate, safe and perfected results.

What is Mid-Face Restoration?

The placement of the correct type of filler into the correct plane of tissue in the areas most beneficial to each individual client.


£1000.00 Including VAT

CPD Accredited

Course Contents

  • Consultation Process

  • Facial Anatomy

  • Signature Injection Techniques

  • Building your Portfolio on Live Models

  • Complications

  • Health & Safety

  • 2 point & 3 point Restoration

  • Aftercare

  • Equipment

  • Needle Selection

  • Benefits

  • Client Expectations

  • Restoring Specific areas of the face

Entry Requirements

Only for advanced aesthetics practitioners who already have experience with basic and advanced dermal fillers.

Course dates:

Dates Available upon request


Enrolment & Further Information:

To enrol or if you require further information please email over your name, contact number and which course you are interested in, to info@aestheticsloungeacademy.co.uk or use our contact form to do the same. A course administrator will contact you within 3 days.