Mid-Face Restoration Masterclass
Course Overview
About Mid-face Restoration Masterclass
Mid-face Restoration is the Aesthetics Lounge Academy signature technique in treating the mid-facial area for a variety of concerns giving immediate, safe and perfected results.
What is Mid-Face Restoration?
The placement of the correct type of filler into the correct plane of tissue in the areas most beneficial to each individual client.
£1000.00 Including VAT
Course Contents
Consultation Process
Facial Anatomy
Signature Injection Techniques
Building your Portfolio on Live Models
Health & Safety
2 point & 3 point Restoration
Needle Selection
Client Expectations
Restoring Specific areas of the face
Entry Requirements
Only for advanced aesthetics practitioners who already have experience with basic and advanced dermal fillers.
Course dates:
Dates Available upon request
Enrolment & Further Information:
To enrol or if you require further information please email over your name, contact number and which course you are interested in, to info@aestheticsloungeacademy.co.uk or use our contact form to do the same. A course administrator will contact you within 3 days.